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发布日期:2024-03-11    点击次数:







招收研究生专业1)土木工程 学硕;2)土木水利 专硕




研究成果以独著身份出版中英文专著3部;在International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining SciencesRock Mechanics and Rock EngineeringEngineering GeologyTunnelling and Underground Space Technology、岩石力学与工程学报、岩土工程学报等国内外权威期刊上发表学术论文300余篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI论文131篇,41篇影响因子大于6.05SCI论文入选ESI高被引论文;H-Index53SCI他引5000余次。授权美国、澳大利亚、加拿大等国际发明专利5项,国内发明专利24项。荣获江苏省科学技术二等奖1项(R1),教育部自然科学一等奖2项(R2R5),教育部科技进步二等奖1项(R3、中国岩石力学与工程学会自然科学一等奖1项(R2

担任《Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering》、《Engineering Geology》、《Computers and Geotechnics》、《Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-energy and Geo-Resources》、《Geomatics, Natural Hazards & Risk》、《工程科学学报》、《应用基础与工程科学学报》等8SCIEI期刊的编委,《中国土木工程通报》创刊主编,兼任中国岩石力学与工程学会理事,中国岩石力学与工程学会测试专委会委员、地下工程分会理事、青年工作委员会理事、软岩工程分会理事、岩土体非连续变形分析专业委员会委员,江苏省岩土力学与工程学会常务理事,曾在国内外学术会议上作特邀及专题报告20余次。已培养1名出站博士后,12名毕业博士与27名毕业硕士,1名博士生毕业后入选国家博士后创新人才支持计划,11名研究生荣获国家公派留学生项目资助赴美国、澳大利亚等著名高校进行联合培养或攻读博士学位,11名研究生荣获国家奖学金,5名研究生荣获江苏省土木工程专业优秀毕业生,1名研究生获批江苏省优秀博士学位论文,3名研究生获批江苏省优秀硕士学位论文。


12003/3–2006/4, 河海大学, 岩土工程, 博士

22000/9–2003/6, 河南理工大学, 工程力学, 硕士

31996/9–2000/7, 河南理工大学, 矿井建设, 学士






































1. Zhu ZN, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Ranjith PG, et al. A comprehensive review on mechanical responses of granite in enhanced geothermal systems (EGSs) [J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 383: 135378.

2. Song Y, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Li KS, Yin PF, Pan PZ. Mechanical behavior and fracture evolution mechanism of composite rock under triaxial compression: insights from three-dimensional DEM modeling [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2023, 56: 7673-7699.

3. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Tang JZ, Wang SS, Yang DS, Zheng WT. An experimental and modeling investigation on creep mechanical behavior of granite under triaxial cyclic loading and unloading [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 55: 5577-5597.

4. Yang Z, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Zheng W, Tannant DD. Coupled thermal-hydraulic simulations of fracturing in granite under high temperature and high pressure treatment via peridynamic [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2022, 160: 105247.

5. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Yin PF, Xu SB. Permeability evolution characteristics of intact and fractured shale specimens [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54: 6057-6076.

6. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Huang YH, Tian WL. Influence of water saturation and real-time testing temperature on mechanical behavior of sandstone under conventional triaxial compression [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54: 4355-4367.

7. Yang Z, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Tian WL. Peridynamic simulation of fracture mechanical behavior of granite specimen under real-time temperature and post-temperature treatments [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2021, 138, 104573.

8. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Chen M, Tao Y. Experimental study on anchorage mechanical behavior and surface cracking characteristics of a non-persistent jointed rock mass [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54: 1193-1221.

9. Tang JZ, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Derek Elsworth, Tao Y. Three-dimensional numerical modeling of grain-scale mechanical behavior of sandstone containing an inclined rough joint [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54: 905-919.

10. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Tian WL, Derek Elsworth, Wang JG, Fan LF. An experimental study of effect of high temperature on the permeability evolution and failure response of granite under triaxial compression [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53: 4403-4427.

11. Tian WL, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Derek Elsworth, Wang JG, Li XZ. Permeability evolution and crack characteristics in granite under treatment at high temperature [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 134, 104461.

12. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Chen M, Huang YH, Jing HW, Ranjith PG. An experimental study on fracture evolution mechanism of a non-persistent jointed rock mass with various anchorage effects by DSCM, AE and X-ray CT observations [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 134, 104469.

13. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Yin PF, Li B, Yang DS. Behavior of transversely isotropic shale observed in triaxial tests and Brazilian disc tests [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 133, 104435.

14. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Huang YH, Tang JZ. Mechanical, acoustic, and fracture behaviors of yellow sandstone specimens under triaxial monotonic and cyclic loading [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2020, 130, 104268.

15. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Yin PF, Ranjith PG. Experimental study on mechanical behavior and brittleness characteristics of Longmaxi Formation shale in Changning, Sichuan Basin, China [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53, 2461-2483.

16. Tian WL, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Huang YH, Hu B. Mechanical behavior of granite with different grain sizes after high-temperature treatment by particle flow simulation [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53, 1791-1807.

17. Huang YH, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Li WP, Matthew RH. Influence of super-critical CO2 on the strength and fracture behavior of brine-saturated sandstone specimens [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53, 653-670.

18. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Yin PF, Huang YH. Experimental and discrete element modeling on strength, deformation and failure behavior of shale under Brazilian compression [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52, 4339-4359.

19. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Huang YH, Tian WL, Yin PF, Jing HW. Effect of high temperature on deformation failure behavior of granite specimen containing a single fissure under uniaxial compression [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52: 2087-2107.

20. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Yin PF, Zhang YC, Chen M, Zhou XP, Jing HW, Zhang QY. Failure behavior and crack evolution mechanism of a non-persistent jointed rock mass containing a circular hole [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2019, 114: 101-121.

21. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Tian WL, Jing HW, Huang YH, Yang XX, Meng B. Deformation and damage failure behavior of mudstone specimens under single-stage and multi-stage triaxial compression [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2019, 52: 673-689.

22. Yang Sheng-Qi*. Fracturing mechanism of compressed hollow-cylinder sandstone evaluated by X-ray micro-CT scanning [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51: 2033-2053.

23. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Hu B. Creep and long-term permeability of a red sandstone subjected to cyclic loading after thermal treatments [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2018, 51: 2981-3004.

24. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Tian WL, Ranjith PG. Experimental investigation on deformation failure characteristics of crystalline marble under triaxial cyclic loading [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017, 50(11): 2871-2889.

25. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Chen M, Jing HW, Chen KF, Meng B. A case study on large deformation failure mechanism of deep soft rock roadway in Xin'An coal mine, China [J]. Engineering Geology, 2017, 217: 89-101. (Highly Cited Paper)

26. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Huang YH, Tian WL, Zhu JB. An experimental investigation on strength, deformation and crack evolution behavior of sandstone containing two oval flaws under uniaxial compression [J]. Engineering Geology, 2017, 217: 35-48.

27. Huang YH, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Zhao J. Three-Dimensional Numerical Simulation on Triaxial Failure Mechanical Behavior of Rock-Like Specimen Containing Two Unparallel Fissures [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(12): 4711~4729.

28. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Ju Y, Gao F, Gui YL. Strength, deformability and X-ray micro-CT observations of deeply buried marble under different confining pressures [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(11): 4227~4224.

29. Xu P, Yang Sheng-Qi*. Permeability evolution of sandstone under short-term and long-term triaxial compression [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2016, 85: 152~164.

30. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Tian WL, Huang YH, et al. An experimental and numerical study on cracking behavior of brittle sandstone containing two non-coplanar fissures under uniaxial compression [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2016, 49(4): 1497-1515.

31. Yang Sheng-Qi*. Experimental study on deformation, peak strength and crack damage behavior of hollow sandstone under conventional triaxial compression [J]. Engineering Geology, 2016, 213: 11-24.

32. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Xu P, Ranjith PG. Damage model of coal under creep and triaxial compression [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2015, 80: 337-345.

33. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Jing HW, Cheng L. Influences of pore pressure on short-term and creep mechanical behavior of red sandstone [J]. Engineering Geology, 2014, 179: 10~23.

34. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Huang YH, Jing HW, Liu XR. Discrete element modeling on fracture coalescence behavior of red sandstone containing two unparallel fissures under uniaxial compression [J]. Engineering Geology, 2014, 178: 28~48. (Highly Cited Paper)

35. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Liu XR, Jing HW. Experimental investigation on fracture coalescence behavior of red sandstone containing two unparallel fissures under uniaxial compression [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2013, 63: 82~92.

36. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Jing HW. Evaluation on strength and deformation behavior of red sandstone under simple and complex loading paths [J]. Engineering Geology, 2013, 164: 1~17.

37. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Jing HW, Wang SY. Experimental investigation on the strength, deformability, failure behavior and acoustic emission locations of red sandstone under triaxial compression [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2012, 45(4): 583~606.

38. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Yang DS, Jing HW, Li YH, Wang SY. An experimental study of the fracture coalescence behaviour of brittle sandstone specimens containing three fissures [J]. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2012, 45(4): 563~582.

39. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Cheng L. Non-stationary and nonlinear visco-elastic shear creep model for shale [J]. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, 2011, 48(6): 1011~1020.

40. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Tao Y, Xu P, Chen M. Large-scale model experiment and numerical simulation on convergence deformation of tunnel excavating in composite strata [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2019, 94: 103133.

41. Yang Sheng-Qi*, Chen M, Fang G, Wang YC, Meng B, Li YH, Jing HW. Physical experiment and numerical modelling of tunnel excavation in slanted upper-soft and lower-hard strata [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 82: 248-264.

42. Jing HW, Yang Sheng-Qi*, Zhang ML, Xu GA, Chen KF. An experimental study on anchorage strength and deformation behavior of large-scale jointed rock mass [J]. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2014, 43: 184~197.


1Sheng-Qi Yang. Mechanical behavior and damage fracture mechanism of deep rocks [M]. Springer Press, 2022.

2Sheng-Qi Yang. Strength failure and crack evolution behavior of rock materials containing pre-existing fissures [M]. Springer Press, 2015.

3杨圣奇. 裂隙岩石力学特性研究及时间效应分析 [M]. 北京:科学出版社,2011.


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(2) 杨圣奇,殷鹏飞,用于复合岩层相似模拟的类岩石试样的制备及取样方法,中国,ZL201510024487.1

(3) 杨圣奇,徐 鹏,岩石全自动气体渗透率测试系统及测算方法,中国,ZL201610050808.X

(4) 杨圣奇,徐 鹏,一种测定破裂后岩石三轴流变特性的加载路径方法,中国,ZL201410100818.0

(5) 杨圣奇,曾 卫,利用3D打印制作含特定几何特征结构面的节理试样方法,中国,ZL201510257888.1

(6) 杨圣奇,黄彦华,一种制作三维节理裂隙圆柱型岩石试样的方法,中国,ZL201510814787.X

(7) 杨圣奇,黄彦华,用于断续双裂隙岩石三轴压缩试验的类岩石试件模具,中国,ZL201410139078.1

(8) 杨圣奇,陈淼,张元超,一种大断面煤巷掘进工作面防片帮挡杆及支护方法,中国,ZL201610065232.4

(9) 杨圣奇,田文岭,殷鹏飞,刘相如,温森,一种含预制裂隙长方体岩石常规三轴试验的密封压头及试验方法,中国,ZL201710992379.2

(10) 杨圣奇,田文岭,殷鹏飞,刘相如,一种长方体岩石试样常规三轴压缩试验的变形测量装置及方法,中国,ZL201710991210.5

(11) 杨圣奇,唐劲舟,田文岭,一种圆柱形岩样多角度劈裂装置及其方法,中国,ZL201810033448.1

(12) 杨圣奇,黄彦华,田文岭,一种用于岩石双轴试验的可调侧向压力加载装置及其试验方法,中国,ZL201611020261.5







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