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发布日期:2023-03-13    点击次数:










v 软土路基处理

v 污染场地处理

v 固体废弃物资源化利用

v 磷酸盐基地聚合物材料


2018/9-2021/12 东南大学岩土工程专业 博士.

2015/9-2018/7   贵州大学岩土工程专业 硕士.

2011/9-2015/7   贵州大学水文与水资源工程专业 本科


2022/04- 爱游戏app官方网站手机版 讲师硕导

2023/06-今  浙江大学博士后  合作导师:梅国雄教授


1. 纵向课题: 国家自然基金青年项目, 改性磷酸基地聚合物固化/稳定化酸性重金属污染土机理及服役性能评价No.42307219, 30万元, 2024.01-2026.12, 主持.

2. 纵向课题: 贵州省科技支撑计划项目, 磷石膏绿色充填再岩化关键技术与应用研究No.黔科合支撑[2023]一般136, 93万元, 2023.04-2026.04, 主持.

3. 纵向课题: 浙江自然科学基金青年项目,磷酸基地聚合物固化酸性铅污染土的溶出扩散机理与服役性能评价NO. LQ23E080005, 10万元, 2023.01-2025.12, 主持.

4. 横向课题: 重金属污染土低碳修复与资源化利用示范,50万元,2023.08-2025.12,主持.

5. 纵向课题:国家自然科学基金面上项目,基于地聚合反应的废弃混凝土完全再生利用机理No. 42072297, 60万元, 2021.01-2024.12, 参与.

6. 横向课题: 高速公路拆除废弃物循环再生利用关键技术研究, 120万元, 2020.01-2021.12 , 参与.

7. 横向课题: 软土地基老路抬高与拼宽路基纵横向差异沉降协同控制技术, 260万元, 2021.02~2023.02,参与.


1. 李翠红,浦少云,侯少丹. 混凝土及砌体结构,浙江省一流本科课程建设, 2022.

2. 王伟,毛宇峰,姜屏,李娜,浦少云. 土木工程施工技术,浙江省课程思政示范课程, 2022.


1. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology期刊青年编委

2. Geohazard Mechanics期刊青年编委

3. Journal of Intelligent Construction期刊青年编委

4. Cement and Concrete Research, Journal of Hazardous Materials, Ocean Engineering, Geomechanics and Engineering, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, Environmental science and pollution research, International Journal of Geomechanics30个国际SCI期刊审稿专家


1. 2023年东南大学优秀博士学位论文.

2. 沿海岛礁吹填钙质砂的纳米材料和微生物复合改性技术研发与应用,2022年度中国商业联合会科学技术一等奖(10/15).

3. 2021年博士研究生国家奖学金.

4. 2020年博士研究生国家奖学金.

5. 2018年贵州省优秀毕业研究生.

6. 2017年硕士研究生国家奖学金.

7. 2017年贵州大学三好研究生.


1. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Song Weilong, Wang Hairong, Huo Wangwen, Zhang Jie. A novel acidic phosphoric-based geopolymer binder for lead solidification/stabilization, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2021, 415: 125659.

2. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Huo Wangwen. Evaluation of engineering properties and environmental effect of recycled gypsum stabilized soil in geotechnical engineering: A comprehensive review. Resources Conservation & Recycling, 2021, 174: 105780.

3. Pu Shaoyun, Duan Wei, Zhu Zhiduo, Wang Wei, Zhang Chen, Li Na, Jiang Ping, Wu Zhonghu. Environmental behavior and engineering performance of self-developed silico-aluminophosphate geopolymer binder stabilized lead contaminated soil. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 134808.

4. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Wang Hairong, Song Weilong, Wei Renjie. Mechanical characteristics and water stability of silt solidified by incorporating lime, lime and cement mixture, and SEU-2 binder. Construction and Building Materials,2019, 214: 111-120.

5. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Song Weilong, Wang Hairong, Wei Renjie. Deformation properties of silt solidified with a new SEU-2 binder. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 220: 267-277 .

6. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Song Weilong, Huo Wangwen, Zhang Jie. Mechanical and microscopic properties of fly ash phosphoric acid-based geopolymer: a comprehensive study, Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 299: 123947.

7. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Song Weilong. A eco-friendly acid-based fly ash geopolymer with a higher strength. Construction and Building Materials,2022, 355, 127450.

8. Pu Shaoyun, Xu Bomin, Duan Wei, Yao Huiran, Wu Zhonghu, Mei Guoxiong, Cai Guojun. A green phosphate-based geopolymer adsorbent or binder with high specific surface area for environmental applications. Construction and Building Materials, 2023, 408, 133738.

9. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Wang Wei, Duan Wei, Wu Zhonghu, Li Na, Jiang Ping. Water resistance of fly ash phosphoric acid-based geopolymer. Developments in the Built Environment, 2022, 12: 100093.

10. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Zhao Liming, Song Weilong, Wan Yu, Huo Wangwen, Hu Lele. Microstructural properties and compressive strength of lime or/and cement solidified silt: a multi-scale study. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2020, 79(10), 5141-5159.

11. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Song Weilong, Wan Yu, Wang Hairong, Xu Xiaoyu. Comparative Study of Compressibility and Deformation Properties of Silt Stabilized with Lime, Lime, and Cement, and SEU-2 Binder. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020, 45(5):4125-4139..

12. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Song Weilong, Wan Yu, Wang Hairong, Song Shigong, Zhang Jun. Mechanical and microscopic properties of cement stabilized silt. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020, 24(6) .

13. Pu Shaoyun, Zhu Zhiduo, Song Weilong. A method for calculating the ultimate bearing capacity of uplift piles in combined soil and rock mass. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering, 2022, 26.6: 2158-2183.

14. Pu Shaoyun, Shen Zewei, Wu Zhonghu, Yao Huiran, Xu Bomin, Zhu Zhiduo, Duan Wei. Enhancement mechanical properties of phosphoric-based geopolymer using aluminum dihydrogen phosphate. Materials Today Communications, 2024, 38, 107656.

15. Pu Shaoyun, Yao Huiran, Zhou Mingsu, Wu Zhonghu, Duan Wei, Ma Xinyu, Wang Xiang. Mechanic performance of phosphoric acid-based geopolymer cured in an open environment. Polymer Bulletin, 2023, 1-25.

16. Wu Zhonghu, Feng Zheng, Pu Shaoyun*, Zeng Chi, Zhao Yong, Chen Chao, Feng Xiaohui. Mechanical properties and environmental characteristics of the synergistic preparation of cementitious materials using electrolytic manganese residue, steel slag, and blast furnace slag. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 411, 134480.(通讯作者)

17. Mu Rui, Duan Wei, Pu Shaoyun*, Cai Guojun, Wang Wei, Wu Zhonghu, Yao Weilai, Xiao Lina, Cheng Xinlei, Jinfeng Chen. Dynamic properties of Guiyang undisturbed red clay in small-strain range. International Journal of Geomechanics.2024 . (通讯作者)

18. Wang Wei, Luo Jiale, Li Na, Li Ben, Li Jian, Pu Shaoyun*. Mechanical Properties and Microscopic Mechanism of Cement-Stabilized Calcareous Sand Improved with a Nano-MgO Additive. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2023, 23.2: 06022040. (通讯作者)

19. Zhu Zhiduo, Pu Shaoyun*, Zhang Jie, Wan Yu, Song Weilong, Wang Hairong. Water resistance and compressibility of silt solidified with lime and fly-ash mixtures. Environmental Earth Sciences, 202180(3), 1-14.(通讯作者)

20. Zhang Yanzhao, Pu Shaoyun* , Li Rita Yi Man , Zhang Jing.. Microscopic and mechanical properties of undistributed and remoulded red clay from Guiyang, China. Scientific Reports, 2020, 10(1), 1-14 .(通讯作者)

21. 穆锐,浦少云*,黄质宏等. 土岩组合岩体中抗拔桩极限承载力的确定. 岩土力学, 2019,40(07):2825-2837.(通讯作者).

22. Song Weilong, Zhu Zhiduo, Pu Shaoyun, Wan Yu, Huo Wangwen, Song Shigong., Hu Lele. Synthesis and characterization of eco-friendly alkali-activated industrial solid waste-based two-component backfilling grouts for shield tunnelling. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 121974 .

23. Song Weilong, Zhu Zhiduo, Pu Shaoyun, Wan Yu, Huo Wangwen, Song Shigong, Hu LeLe. Efficient use of steel slag in alkali-activated fly ash-steel slag-ground granulated blast furnace slag ternary blends. Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 259, 119814.

24. Song Weilong, Zhu Zhiduo, Pu Shaoyun, Wan Yu, Xu Xiaoyu, Song Shigong, Hu Lele. Multi-technical characterization and correlations between properties of standard cured alkali-activated high-calcium FA binders with GGBS as additive.Construction and Building Materials, 2020, 241, 117996.

25. Wang Hairong, Zhu Zhiduo, Pu Shaoyun, Song Weilong. Solidifcation/Stabilization of Pb2+ and Cd2+ Contaminated Soil Using Fly Ash and GGBS Based Geopolymer. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 2020, 45(5):4125-4139.

26. 宋维龙, 朱志铎, 浦少云. 碱激发二元/三元复合工业废渣胶凝材料的力学性能与微观机制.材料导报, 2020,34(22): 22070-22077.

27. 穆锐,黄质宏,浦少云. 循环荷载下原状红黏土的累积变形特征及动本构关系研究. 岩土力学, 2020(S2):1-10[2023-03-12].

28. 王海荣,朱志铎, 浦少云. 碱激发粉煤灰-矿渣固化镉污染土的影响因素分析. 东南大学学报, 2021,51(06):1025-1032.

29. Huo Wangwen, Zhu Zhiduo, Zhang Jie, Kang Zhuanzhuan, Pu Shaoyun, Wan Yu . Utilization of OPC and FA to enhance reclaimed lime-fly ash macadam based geopolymers cured at ambient temperature. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 303, 124378.

30. Song Weilong, Zhu Zhiduo, Peng Yuyi, Wan Yu, Xu Xiaoyu, Pu Shaoyun, Wei Yongqiang. Effect of steel slag on fresh, hardened and microstructural properties of high-calcium fly ash based geopolymers at standard curing condition. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 229, 116933.

31. Huo Wangwen, Zhu Zhiduo, Chen Wu, Zhang Jie, Kang Zhuanzhuan, Pu Shaoyun, Wan Yu. Effect of synthesis parameters on the development of unconfined compressive strength of recycled waste concrete powder-based geopolymers. Construction and Building Materials, 2021, 292, 123264.

32. Duan Wei, Zhao Zening, Cai Guojun, Pu Shaoyun, Liu Songyu, Dong Xiaoqiang. Evaluating model uncertainty of an in situ state parameter-based simplified method for reliability analysis of liquefaction potential. Computers and Geotechnics, 2022, 151, 104957.

33. Chen Ruifneg, Cai Guojun, Dong Xiaoqiang, Pu Shaoyun, Dai Xuguang, Duan Wei. Green utilization of modified biomass by-product rice husk ash: A novel eco-friendly binder for stabilizing waste clay as road material. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 134303.

34. Li, Na, Yu Shimeng, Fang Jiyuan, Yu Yanfei, Jiang Ping, Pu Shaoyun, Wang Wei. Performance and mechanism of illite in removing graphene oxide from aqueous solution. Applied Clay Science, 2022, 230: 106711.

35. Duan Wei, Congress Surya Sarat Chandra, Cai Guojun, Zhao Zening, Pu Shaoyun, Liu Songyu, Chen Ruifneg. Characterizing the in-situ state of sandy soils for liquefaction analysis using resistivity piezocone penetration test. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 164, 107529.

36. Wang Wei, Lv Beifeng, Zhang Chen, Li Na, Pu Shaoyun. Mechanical and micro-structure characteristics of cement-treated expansive soil admixed with nano-MgO. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2023, 82(2): 48.


1. 朱志铎, 浦少云, 宋世攻, 彭宇一. 一种土岩组合地基抗拔桩极限承载力的计算方法【CN109753693B, 发明专利.

2. 吴玉宝, 姜屏, 王伟, 李娜, 浦少云. 预制空心板泡沫堵头联动充填施工工法,浙江省建设工法,2022.

3. 宋林涛, 李娜, 金伟良, 王伟, 浦少云. 装配式预制板端头快速定位链接施工工法,冶金行业部级工法,2022.

地址:绍兴市越城区环城西路508号 | 电话:0575-88342283 | 邮编:312000 | 版权所有:爱游戏app官方网站手机版