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发布日期:2021-06-11    点击次数:

基本情况Personal Information

姓名(Name):王伟(Wang Wei)

职称(Title) 教授(Professor)

专业领域(Research field):岩土工程(Geotechnical Engineering)


邮政编码(Zip code)312000


研究方向Research Interests

(1) 软土加固减灾技术

(2) 土木工程建造与管理

(3) 土木工程新材料

教育背景Education Background

2002/9-2006/1   河海大学岩土工程研究所岩土工程专业博士研究生

1999/9-2002/7   南京工业大学爱游戏app官方网站手机版岩土工程专业硕士研究生

1995/9-1999/7   南京工业大学爱游戏app官方网站手机版土木工程专业本科生

工作经历 Work Experience

2012/12-至今 爱游戏app官方网站手机版教授

2016/08-2017/07 新加坡国立大学 国家公派访问学者

2007/12-2012/11 绍兴文理学院土木工程系副教授

2006/04-2007/11 绍兴文理学院土木工程系讲师

社会和学术兼职Academic Job

1. 中国地震学会岩土工程防震减灾专业委员会, 委员

2. 中国土工合成材料工程协会防渗排水专业委员会, 委员

3. 美国土木工程师学会会员, ASCE

4. 浙江省力学学会岩土力学与工程专业委员会, 委员

5. 绍兴市无废城市建设试点专家组, 成员

主要奖励和荣誉Selected Honers and Award

1. 复杂环境-荷载作用下滨海软土地基灾害防控技术及应用, 2020年度浙江省科技进步奖二等奖, 排名二.

2. 特殊性土复合边坡浅层失稳治理关键技术研究与应用, 2022年度水利部淮河水利委员会科学技术奖, 一等奖, 排名三.

3. 装配式建筑水平构件全过程减碳施工技术创新与应用, 2023年中国商业联合会服务业科技创新奖, 一等奖, 排名一.

4. 沿海岛礁吹填钙质砂的纳米材料和微生物复合改性技术研发与应用, 2022年中国商业联合会科学技术奖, 一等奖, 排名一.

5. 大宗固体废弃物在道路工程建设中综合利用关键技术研究, 2021年度中国公路学会科学技术奖, 二等奖, 排名二.

6. 土木工程施工课程教学创新设计, 全国高校教师教学创新大赛浙江赛区, 正高组二等奖,  2021, 排名.

7. 石墨烯衍生物改性滨海软土的关键技术研究2022浙江省专业学位研究生优秀实践成果, 指导教师(研究生吕蓓凤).

8. 江苏省优秀博士学位论文, 2007.

9. 绍兴文理学院教学名师, 2022.

主要期刊论文(Selected Journal Papers

1. Wei Wang, Erlu Wu, Shuaishuai Huang, Xingjiang Song, Na Li, Ping Jiang*. Experimental investigation on static and dynamic properties of nanosilica modified cement soil[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 412, 134746.

2. Ping Jiang, Zhichao Wang, Wei Wang*, Na Li, Xinjiang Song, Shimeng Yu. Study on the effect of stress path on the deformation and non-coaxial characteristics of modified iron tailings[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2024, 422, 135803.

3. Ping Jiang, Zhichao Wang, Wei Wang*, Na Li, Yanfei Yu , Cuihong Li, Erlu Wu, Shaoyun Pu. Interfacial strength characteristics between modified iron tailings and profiled fibers under dry-wet and freeze-thaw environments[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2023,403, 133016.

4. Na Li, Shaowei Lv, Wei Wang*, Jia Guo*, Ping Jiang, Yong Liu. Experimental investigations on the mechanical behavior of iron tailings powder with compound admixture of cement and nano-clay[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2020, 254:119259.

5. Yao Kai, Wang Wei*, Li Na, Zhang Chen, Wang Linxia. Investigation on strength and microstructure characteristics of Nano-MgO admixed with cemented soft soil[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2019, 206:160-168.

6. Kai Yao, Na Li, Dar-Hao Chen, Wei Wang*. Generalized hyperbolic formula capturing curing period effect on strength and stiffness of cemented clay[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2019, 199: 63-71.

7. Huawen Xiao, Wei Wang*, Siang Huat Goh. Effectiveness study for fly ash cement improved marine clay[J]. Construction & Building Materials, 2017, 157: 1053-1064.

8. Feifei Tao, Pengfei Liang, Shiqian Wei, Yu Hu, Pingan Zhang, Wei Wang*. Carbon-doped nickel oxide hollow nanospheres for enhanced photocatalytic CO2 reduction[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 126510.

9. Shaoyun Pu, Wei Duan, Zhiduo Zhu*, Wei Wang*, Chen Zhang, Na Li, Ping Jiang. Environmental behavior and engineering performance of self-developed silico- aluminophosphate geopolymer binder stabilized lead contaminated soil[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 379, 134808.

10. Ping Jiang, Yewen Chen, Wensheng Wang*, Jiandong Yang, Haoyun Wang, Na Li, Wei Wang*. Flexural behavior evaluation and energy dissipation mechanisms of modified iron tailings powder incorporating cement and fibers subjected to freeze-thaw cycles[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 351,131527.

11. Na Li, Shimeng Yu, Erlu Wu , Xinjiang Song, Ping Jiang, Haibo Xu , Wei Wang*. Study on small strain characteristics and microscopic mechanism of rice husk ash modified lime soil[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2024, 45, 101209.

12. Ping Jiang, Zhichao Wang, Na Li, Song Xinjiang, Chen YewenWei Wang*. Cumulative deformation and non-coaxial characteristics of fiber and cement-modified iron tailings under the rotation of principal stress axis[J]. Transportation Geotechnics, 2023, 43, 101114.

13. Wei Wang, Beifeng Lv, Yanting Wu, Shaoyun Pu, Ping Jiang, Na Li*. A sustainable reinforcement method of recycled road subgrade demolition waste as road bases using waterborne polyurethane and fiber[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2024

14. Ping Jiang, Xuhui Zhou, Wei Wang*, Na Li, Xianwen Huang, Shaoyun Pu, Mulugeta Belete Asefa. Effect and mechanism of freeze-thaw cycles on static and dynamic characteristics of EPS lightweight soil[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2024, 24(2), 04023271

15. Chen Zhang, Wei Wang, Zhiduo Zhu*, Li Shao, Yu Wan, Yue Zhang. Mechanical and microscopic properties of cement composite expansive soil with graphene oxide: ecofriendly modification material[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2023, 23(6): 04023071

16. Ping Jiang, Yewen Chen, Na Li, Wei Wang*. Cumulative Deformation and Damage Evolution of Fiber Cement-Modified Iron Tailings under Cyclic Load[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2023, 23(4),04023004

17. Wang Wei, Luo Jiale, Na Li, Ben Li, Shaoyun Pu*. Mechanical properties and mechanism of cement stabilized calcareous sand improved by nano-MgO additive agent[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2023, 23(2),06022040.

18. Wang Wei, Kang Haibo, Li Na, Guo Jia*, Girma Deressa Yonatan, Liu Yong. Experimental investigations on the mechanical and microscopic behavior of cement-treated clay modified by nano-MgO and fibers[J]. International Journal of Geomechanics, ASCE, 2022, 22(6), 04022059.

19. Wei Wang, Beifeng Lv, Chen Zhang*, Na Li, Shaoyun Pu. Mechanical and Micro-Structure Characteristics of Cement-Treated Expansive Soil Admixed with Nano-MgO[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2023, 82: 48.

20. Ping Jiang, Wenqian Zheng, Lin Zhou, Na Li, Wei Wang*. Laboratory characterization of soft clay mixed with EPS, lime, fly ash, and sodium silicate[J]. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2023, 82, 302.

21. Na Li, Xinyu Yan, Wenhao Dai, Beifeng Lv, Wei Wang*. Adsorption Properties and Mechanism of Sepiolite to Graphene Oxide in Aqueous Solution[J]. Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2023,16,104595.

22. Wang Wei, Wang Yuxiang, Lv Beifeng*, Li Na, Kong Hanjun. Strength characteristics of cement-reinforced recycled aggregate modified with nano-MgO as road bases[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022, 17, e01456.

23. Ping Jiang, Lejie Chen, Na Li, Jian Qian, Wei Wang*. Study on the mechanical properties of fiber-modified iron tailings stabilized by lime and fly ash based on energy analysis[J]. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2022, 17, e01638.

24. Chen Zhang, Wei Wang*, Zhi-Duo Zhu, Na Li, Shao-Yun Pu, Yu Wan, Wang-Wen Huo. Triaxial mechanical characteristics and microscopic mechanism of graphene-modified cement stabilized expansive soil[J]. KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2022, 26(1): 96-106.

25. Wei Wang, Yuan Li, Kai Yao*, Na Li, Aizhao Zhou, Chen Zhang. Strength properties of nano-MgO and cement stabilized coastal silty clay subjected to sulfuric acid attack[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2020, 38(10): 1177-1186.

26. Wei Wang, Chen Zhang, Na Li, Feifei Tao, Kai Yao*. Characterisation of nano magnesia-cement-reinforced seashore soft soil by direct-shear test[J]. Marine Georesources & Geotechnology, 2019, 37(8): 989-998.

27. 王伟, 黄帅帅, 俞文杰, . 纤维和纳米材料改性水泥稳定道路固废的直剪力学行为[J]. 浙江大学学报(工学版), 2023, 57(9): 1727-1735+1745.

28. 王伟, 李犇, 罗佳乐, . 动荷载作用历史对水泥固化钙质砂三轴力学特性影响[J]. 自然灾害学报, 2022, 31(5): 186-195.

29. 王伟, 刘静静, 李娜, . 纳米SiO2改性滨海水泥土的短龄期力学性能与微观机制[J]. 复合材料学报, 2022, 39(4): 1701-1714.

30. 王伟, 宋新江, 凌华, . 滨海相软土应力-应变曲线复合指数-双曲线模型[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2010, 32(9) :1444-149.(F5000中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文).

主要科研项目Selected Grants

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 石墨烯衍生物改性水泥土力学特性与阻尼比-剪切模量广义本构模型(52179107), 2022-2025, 58万元, 主持.

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目: 纳米材料改性滨海水泥土的小应变特性与微观机理(41772311), 2018-2021, 55万元, 主持.

3. 国家自然科学基金青年项目: 冻融软土结构性特征及其应力应变硬化/软化模型(41202222), 2013-2015, 25万元, 主持.

4. 浙江省自然科学基金面上项目: 纳米材料改性水泥土真三轴应力应变特性研究(LY17E080016), 2017-2019, 8万元, 主持.

5. 浙江省自然科学基金项目: 基于能量耗散原理的滨海相软土动应力应变模型研究(Y1080839), 2009-2010, 5万元, 主持.

6. 教育部科学技术研究计划重点项目: 冻融软土应力应变模型研究及其应用(211068), 2011-2013, 5万元, 主持.

7. 浙江省公益性技术应用研究计划: 软土地基长芯混凝土复合碎石桩处理新技术(2012C23063), 2012-2014, 15万元, 主持.

8. 企业横向:  绿色屋顶水热运移机理及一体化设计关键技术开发, 2023-2026, 120万元, 主持.

9. 企业横向: 道路拆除固废资源化全利用的技术研发及应用, 2019-2021, 120万元, 主持.

10. 企业横向: 市政工程智能建造施工管理技术开发, 2021-2023, 55万元, 主持.

著作和编著Selected Books

1. 装配式建筑施工技术[M], 浙江大学出版社, 2022, 主编

2. 装配式建筑BIM建造施工管理[M], 浙江大学出版社, 2022, 主编

3. 装配式建筑工程计量与计价[M], 浙江大学出版社, 2022, 主编

4. 膨胀土边坡综合治理技术研究[M], 黄河水利出版社, 2021, 参编

5. 大跨度预应力空心板建筑工程应用技术标准[S], 中国建工出版社, 2019, 参编

6. BIM施工组织设计[M], 化学工业出版社, 2018, 副主编

第一发明人主要发明专利Selected Invention Patents

1. 一种防止护筒下沉以及不均匀沉降的装置[P]. 202011485535.4, 2022年授权.

2. 一种装配式暗牛腿型梁柱节点连接装置[P]. 201910811711.X, 2021年授权.

3. 一种测试材料拉伸弹性模量的方法[P]. 201711187947.8, 2019年授权.

4. 一种钢筋笼直螺纹套筒防变形连接装置的使用方法[P]. 201711187945.9, 2019年授权.

5. 一种防止钻孔灌注桩卡钻的施工方法[P]. 201810009375.2, 2019年授权.

6. 一种用于基坑支护的型钢组件的循环使用方法[P]. 201711187785.8, 2019年授权.

7. 一种灌注桩钢筋笼施工装置及其工艺[P]. 201510792948.X, 2017年授权.

8. 一种纳米水泥土真三轴试样的制样方法[P]. 201510072079.3, 2017年授权.

9. 一种并联液压式三轴试样制样器及其制样方法[P]. 201210389952.8, 2014年授权.

10. 一种充气式多级水囊加载试桩方法及其装置[P]. 201110151505.4, 2013年授权.

主要国家级学会和省部级施工工法Selected Construction Method

1. 下沉式绿化带多级雨水管理系统施工工法(SDGF1243-2023)2023

2. 岸坡排水土工格栅结合坡面水份调节生态防护施(SDGF1244-2023)2023

3. 钻孔灌注桩桩周复杂根键快速顶进植入施工工法(SDGF1198-2023),2023

4. 预制空心板泡沫堵头联动填充施工工法(浙建管2022163)2022.

5. 装配式楼梯转动型耗能减震节点连接施工工法(浙建管2022164)2022.

6. 装配式仿古建筑瓦屋面保温排水一体化施工工法(YGEJ135-2022)2022.

7. 钻孔灌注桩钢筋笼防变形精确连接施工工法(YGEJ144-2022)2022.

8. 可调节装配式带灯仿柱础施工工法(YGEJ150-2022)2022.

9. 废弃泥浆电渗-真空-热固多场联合快速脱水施工工法(YGEJ153-2022)2022.

10. 装配式预制板端头快速定位连接施工工法(YGEJ157-2022)2022.

11. 弱土中钻孔灌注桩三翼刮刀防卡钻施工工法(YGYJ035-2021)2021.

12. 道路拓宽新旧路基衔接不均匀沉降自动控制施工工法(YGYJ034-2021)2021.

13. 超高倾斜拱形钢索塔整体拼装竖向转体施工工法(YGEJ462-2021)2021.

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